The week kicked off with Hybrid Boxing at The Dolphin Leisure Centre. This isn't a "get in the ring and batter the hell out of each other" session. It's more about pad work with a partner. The session was amazing as five people turned up (its usually just me and the instructor) and it was one of the best aerobic sessions I have had in a long time.

There are real benefits to including hill reps in your training. The effects on your running are really positive and the same applies to running in a group (see the blog on "Group Running").
OK, so my great plan was to go for a run on Wednesday, which fits in with my shifts. After the Monday and Tuesday sessions things were a little tense in the muscle department and I needed to rest up. So I made the decision to postpone the run for a few days.This led to the question of when you should run and when should you knock it on the head for a day? Rest is just as important as running, allowing your muscles time to recover and get ready for the next training session (see the blog on "Should I go for a run?").
The decision was made and I signed up for Run Gatwick's half marathon. Luckily it falls on a day off this year so I don't need to book any leave. Last year was Run Gatwick's inaugural year and at the last minute I decided to give it a go. I actually got involved in a part of the planning for the event and got a bit carried away!Run Gatwick was an amazing day, really well organised with a run that went from the middle of Crawley, up to Lowfield Heath and along LGW's Perimeter Road that runs along the length of the runway, into Charlwood before coming back to Crawley again. This holds special memories for me as it was my very first half marathon! Looking forward to running it again this year.
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