Cardiff Half Marathon

I wanted to take this on last year but I couldn't get the time off work. This year it falls during a period of pre-arranged annual leave and we have plans to be in Wales. So it's all booked up and I'm looking forward to a running adventure through Cardiff including running around Torchwood HQ, otherwise known as the Millennium Centre.
This is the third half marathon that I have signed up for this year and I have now added an extra page for my booked events. I am waiting for dates for the local village days (Lindfield has a 10k and Ardingly has an 8k). There is the usual National Trust run where places are very limited and they are talking about a second one at a different site this year which could be good. They dates have been announced and I am just waiting for the places to be advertised.
The elusive 27 minutes
Friday was the day to get out for a run. I had a friend coming over to go out for a beer (or three) and watch a movie. I had the dinner all sorted out, knew which pub we were going to and the movie was all set to go, so took the opportunity whilst I could.
So part way round my run I realised that I was close to the target. I took a quick detour to see if for once I could hit the target and started to get quite excited about the whole thing. Didn't make it though! 28:30!! One minute and 30 seconds off, so close and yet so far. Still there's always another day.
What is this weather doing?
Today was the last day of the week to get a run in and the rain and wind came down! I don't mind running in the rain but not on days like this!You have to take the positives where you can so I settled for a gym session to work on my upper body strength and core. Managed to get a lot of weights in along with using the 10kg sandbag and did some core exercises. I don't feel the day was wasted and my shifts fall better next week to get back into my normal (whatever that is) routine.
Back to work tomorrow morning ...
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